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Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH): Definition, History, How it Works, and Different Forms

Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH): Definition, History, How it Works, and Different Forms

The efficient market hypothesis (EMH) states that security prices fully reflect all available information at any given time, and asset prices adjust quickly in response to new information. EMH’s proponents contend it is nearly impossible for investors to beat the market consistently due to asset prices already accounting for all known data.

The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) is one of the cornerstones of modern financial theory, asserting that financial markets are efficient and asset prices reflect all available information at any given moment. But it dates back to the early 20th century, though economist Eugene Fama first popularised the term “Efficient Market Hypothesis” in the 1960s. Fama’s work and research have had a tremendous impact on our understanding of how financial markets function as well as their implications for investors.

EMHs generally are divided into three forms, each offering differing levels of market efficiency: Weak Form approach to EMH asserts that all past trading information, such as prices and volumes, is fully reflected in current stock prices. Technical analysis does not consistently provide gains, while fundamental analysis offer potential opportunities due to this.

Semi-strong form approach assumes that all publicly available information, such as trading history and financial statements, is factored into stock prices. Neither technical nor fundamental analysis is effective at consistently outstripping market performance.

Strong Form of EMH asserts that all information, both public and private, is fully reflected in stock prices. No investor consistently outpaces market returns even with insider knowledge in such a scenario. 

The main advantage of EMH is providing theoretical support for passive investing and index funds as well as encouraging market transparency through rapid dissemination of information leading to more accurate pricing and improved resource allocation.

What exactly is the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)?

The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) is a financial theory which postulates that markets are efficient. EMH states that asset prices fully reflect all available information at any point in time. EMH further states that investors cannot consistently outstrip market returns through stock selection or timing since new information rapidly integrates into asset prices.

Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)
Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) in the stock market

The Efficient Market Hypothesis rests on the belief that market participants are rational actors who make decisions with an eye towards maximization of returns. Any new information about securities that affects their price immediately becomes part of its price according to this assumption. This makes it difficult for investors to exploit pricing inefficiencies for consistent gains.

EMH is often referred to as “efficient market theory,” emphasizing its theoretical basis. At its heart lies the belief that market participants’ individual actions in analyzing and trading on available information contribute to overall market efficiency.

EMH draws its theoretical foundation from rational expectations and the law of one price, which presume that market participants act rationally across markets and that identical assets should have similar prices across them. These concepts form the basis of EMH when combined with rapid information dissemination and competitive financial markets.

When did EMH started?

The origins of the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) are traced back to the early 20th century. But its formal development and acceptance were only recognized through Eugene Fama’s work as an American economist and Nobel laureate in the 1960s.

Fama, widely considered to be the pioneer of EMH, began his groundbreaking work on this subject during his doctoral studies at the University of Chicago during the early 1960s. In 1965 he published “The Behavior of Stock Market Prices,” wherein he examined stock price movements relative to available information and found they appeared to follow an unpredictable random walk pattern rather than past price trends.

Fama later expanded on this work in his 1970 review “Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Empirical Work,” wherein he summarized existing theoretical and empirical work on market efficiency while formalizing his concept of the EMH.

Fama’s Economic Model Hypothesis was inspired by a desire to better comprehend financial markets and develop a theoretical basis for evaluating investment strategies. Many market participants believed at that time that they could consistently outshine the market by selecting profitable stocks or timing trades properly. His work suggested otherwise by showing how efficient markets were at processing information making it nearly impossible for any individual investor to consistently outperform them.

Eugene Fama’s research gave birth to the Efficient Market Hypothesis, or EMH, as a formal concept during the mid-1960s. Its purpose was to provide a better understanding of financial market behaviour and assess different investment strategies against market efficiency.

How does the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) work?

The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) works under the assumption that financial markets are highly efficient, reflecting all available information at any given moment in asset prices. Investors do not outperform the market consistently through selecting stocks or timing the market – all new information quickly makes its way into asset prices.

There are three main mechanisms underlying EMH operation including rapid dissemination of information, large number of market participants, and competition.

Modern communication technologies make information readily available to market participants. News and data about companies and markets are often obtained quickly by market participants. Financial markets contain an ever-increasing pool of investors, analysts, and traders analyzing and acting upon available information. Their collective efforts ensure the efficient incorporation of new information into asset prices.

Stock Market participants are constantly competing with one another to identify mispriced assets and profit from them, creating an environment in which any inefficient pricing practices are quickly identified and corrected. This ensures that any pricing inefficiencies quickly be exploited or corrected as quickly as possible.

The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) is used by market participants, including individual investors, institutional investors and portfolio managers. Proponents of the EMH opt to invest in passive index funds as it is difficult to consistently outshine the market through active stock picking or market timing strategies. Stock traders frequently use the EMH as a benchmark to evaluate their strategies and performance.

Stock traders must recognize that consistently outstripping is unlikely if the market truly is efficient, as suggested by EMH. EMH also serves as an opportunity to lower expectations while prioritizing risk management and portfolio diversification over attempting to consistently outperform it.

What is the importance of EMH?

The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) holds great relevance in contemporary finance and investment practice for several five key reasons. The EMH provides a theoretical foundation that helps us better understand the behaviour and role of information on financial markets, asset prices, market participants’ responses to this information, market efficiency, etc. EMH also helps with investment strategies.

The EMH has practical implications for individual and institutional investors alike. EMH states that efficient markets make it challenging to consistently beat them through stock picking or market timing alone. This fuels an explosion of passive investing strategies such as index funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs), which seek to mirror returns rather than outstrip them.

 The efficient market hypothesis has also played a role in strengthening rules against insider trading. The rules have expanded to include anyone who has privileged information, even if they aren’t connected to the companies involved. Regulators have sought to maintain market efficiency, and people with private information make the market less efficient.

EMH is also helpful in ensuring market transparency and efficiency. It emphasizes the significance of transparent and accessible information in financial markets. It promotes its prompt dissemination to aid with more accurate pricing and resource allocation decisions resulting in a more stable and efficient market environment for all participants.

The EMH also provides investors and portfolio managers with an objective measurement against which to judge their strategies and performance. Investors acknowledge the difficulty associated with consistently outstripping an efficient market. This helps market participants can focus on risk management, diversification, and long-term results instead of short-term gains.

The EMH has provided guidance for regulatory policies designed to foster market transparency and fairness as well. This includes insider trading laws or financial reporting standards that ensure market participants have access to necessary information, thus supporting an efficient functioning market environment.

What is the purpose of EMH?

The purpose of an efficient market hypothesis is to provide a framework for understanding financial markets and their interactions with information. It proposes that markets are efficient in quickly incorporating all available data into asset prices and explains both market behaviour and investment strategies more fully. Furthermore, its applications extend further; specifically serving several purposes that make use of its knowledge base.

The EMH provides a theoretical foundation for modern finance theory by outlining how market participants process and incorporate information into asset prices, providing researchers and practitioners with a basis for modelling market behaviour, investment decisions and risk management practices. It also provides practical advice to both individual and institutional investors alike. Consistent outstripping markets through active stock picking or market timing is difficult, leading many investors to opt for passive investments like index funds and ETFs which aim to mirror returns rather than surpass them.

EMH provides investors and portfolio managers with a tool for evaluating their investment strategies and performance against an efficient market, by taking into account its challenges of beating it regularly. Market participants focus on risk management, diversification and long-term performance rather than competing to beat an efficient market every time it opens its door. It further highlights the significance of open and accessible information in financial markets.

This facilitates rapid dissemination, leading to accurate pricing and resource allocation decisions, and creating an efficient marketplace environment. EMH also play a pivotal role in shaping financial regulations intended to foster transparency and fairness in markets. The EMH has helped shape policies such as insider trading laws and reporting standards by emphasizing information’s role in efficient markets.      

The Efficient Market Hypothesis serves to provide a framework for understanding market behaviour, developing investment strategies, evaluating performance, increasing transparency and shaping financial regulations. Its assumptions and implications continue to spark heated discussions and criticisms from financial experts and regulators alike, but EMH still remains influential today despite ongoing debate and criticism surrounding its assumptions and applications.

How to use Efficient Market Hypothesis?

An investor will be able to use efficient market hypothesis in their investments by following the five steps below. This will help them make more informed decisions.

  1.  Understand that, according to the EMH, financial markets are highly efficient at processing and incorporating information into asset prices. This makes consistently outperforming them through stock picking or market timing a difficult endeavour.
  2. It is difficult to consistently outstrip an efficient market. Consider adopting a passive investing approach by investing in index funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) designed to replicate its performance rather than trying to outdo it.
  3. Diversifying your investment portfolio across asset classes, sectors, and geographic regions will help mitigate individual asset price fluctuations from having an adverse effect on overall portfolio performance. This approach reduces any single-asset price volatility with potentially harmful ripple effects for overall portfolio performance.
  4. Make risk management part of your investment process by carefully considering the potential risk/reward trade-offs between investments. Build your portfolio according to your risk tolerance, investment goals, and time horizon. Monitor and adjust as necessary so as to maintain a risk profile that aligns with your objectives.
  5. Use the EMH as a yardstick to gauge the success of your investment strategies, with particular attention paid to long-term performance, risk management and diversification rather than trying to outwit the market every time.

Following these steps will enable you to integrate the principles of EMH into your investment approach and possibly make more informed decisions with more stable, long-term returns.

What does Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) say about stock prices in Stock Market?

EMH postulates that stock prices follow a random walk, meaning their movements are unpredictable and not dependent on previous price trends. This phenomenon stems from market participants processing new information that affects stock prices, reacting by either buying or selling stocks accordingly causing prices to adjust accordingly and leading to continuous fluctuation that makes future predictions difficult based on historical data alone.

The EMH recognizes that not all market participants possess and interpret information in an identical fashion and its hypothesis suggests that the actions of multiple market participants – each possessing unique pieces of data and perspectives – contribute to overall market efficiency. Investors and analysts who uncover new information quickly correct any pricing inefficiencies or discrepancies which arise.

The EMH has significant implications for investors and portfolio managers alike. Active strategies that involve stock picking or market timing are unlikely to outperform passive approaches, like investing in index funds or ETFs that track broad market indexes. More investors recognize the difficulty in beating an efficient market, and passive investing has become increasingly popular as more recognize its challenges.

The Efficient Market Hypothesis isn’t without its critics. Some argue that markets display inefficiency due to behavioural biases, limited information dissemination or other factors, allowing skilled investors to exploit pricing discrepancies for superior returns. But, EMH remains an influential framework for understanding stock prices and their behaviour within the stock market. its key insights inform investment strategies, performance evaluation and financial regulations shaping modern finance practice and investment practice in general.

Can you use Technical Analysis in Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)?

No, the Efficient Market Hypothesis does not support technical analysis that relies on past price patterns and trends as a method for consistently generating excess returns in an efficient market. This is due to EMH arguing that all historical price and volume information has already been factored into stock prices.

Stock prices even fluctuate unexpectedly based solely on historical data, rendering technical analysis ineffective for consistently producing superior returns. Diversification, risk management strategies, and long-term investment strategies as means for consistently producing stable returns in efficient markets.

What are the 3 forms of Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)?

The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) theory has three forms – weak form, semi-strong form and strong form. Below are more details about each form.

3 forms of Efficient Market Hypothesis
3 Forms of the Effective Market Hypothesis

1. Weak Form

 The weak form of the Efficient Market Hypothesis states that current stock prices fully reflect all available historical information, including past price movements and trading volume. Technical analysis techniques (e.g. chart patterns or moving averages) cannot consistently yield excess returns as all information about past price movements has already been incorporated into current prices. Proponents of the weak form suggest fundamental analysis (i.e. examining company financial statements or management performance) may still offer investors an edge when making investment decisions.

2. Semi-Strong Form

The semi-strong form of the Efficient Market Hypothesis holds that stock prices reflect all available historical and public information pertaining to current stocks, such as earnings reports, company announcements, economic indicators and any relevant news items. Neither technical nor fundamental analysis is likely to produce excess returns as all public data has already been factored into stock prices. according to this form of EMH. Outwitting this market would require access to private information that is illegal to trade on.

3. Strong Form

This extreme version of the Efficient Market Hypothesis holds that stock prices reflect all information, both public and insider (i.e. private) in an instantaneous and perfect fashion, including insider knowledge held by corporate insiders such as executives or board members of corporations. Investors cannot consistently gain excess returns with access to insider information if this form exists, including those with access to insider knowledge themselves, no matter what form it takes.

Market inefficiencies do not exist either, and corporate insiders like executives or board members cannot consistently profit by trading non-public information held only from companies and stock exchanges themselves despite any inefficiencies present. Many consider the strong form of EMH an extreme view due to its assumption of frictionless markets where information flows instantly across exchanges at once.

The three forms of the Efficient Market Hypothesis differ in terms of how they think stock prices incorporate available information. Weak form EMH suggests historical information is fully reflected in current stock prices, while semi-strong form EMH goes even further and suggests all publicly and privately available information is taken into account when setting prices.

Strong form EMH goes one step further by proposing that all such data – both public and private – becomes part of stock prices making it impossible for any investor to outperform the market consistently.

What are the Advantages of Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)?

Effective Market Hypothesis (EMH) has seven main advantages. Below listed are all seven of them.

1. Simplifying Investment Decisions

EMH states that all relevant information has already been incorporated into asset prices, which allows investors to trust that market prices are fair without needing to devote significant time and resources to researching individual stocks or assets. A well-diversified portfolio such as an index fund should suffice instead.

2. EMH Promotes Market Confidence

EMH holds that markets tend to efficiently process and integrate new information, giving investors greater trust that asset prices accurately represent their true values.

3. Stimulates Diversification

EMH assumes that it’s difficult (if not impossible) for investors to outperform the market consistently. Investors are more likely to consider diversifying their portfolios to reduce risks and enhance long-term performance due to this.

4. Reduces Impact of Market Bubbles

EMH theory states that efficient markets should be less susceptible to exuberant exuberance and speculative bubbles. Investors, hence, will be less apt to chase after “hot” stocks or sectors which reduce crash risks and crashes in general.

5. Support for Passive Investing Strategies

EMH provides an important theoretical foundation for passive investing strategies like index funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), which aim to replicate market index performance with lower fees and expenses than active management can offer. This potentially yields superior long-term returns for investors.

6. Discourages Insider Trading

The strong form of EMH asserts that even insider information cannot consistently generate extra returns, which discourages insider trading and promotes market fairness as all participants assume equal access to pertinent information. This ensures no one benefits more from insider information.

7. Measuring Investment Performance

EMH serves as a baseline to evaluate investment performance by active managers. An outperforming active manager consistently outpaces their market counterpart will indicate they possess unique skills or information which allow them to consistently outdo its assumed efficiency.

The efficient Market Hypothesis offers the above advantages, but its critics remain. Many contend that markets are not always efficient and that anomalies and behavioural biases may misprice assets. Yet EMH remains an influential theory in finance that has inspired numerous investment strategies and practices.

What are the Disadvantages of the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)?

There are six main disadvantages of EMH, most of which stem from the fact that it ignores certain key factors such as anomalies. Below is a detailed explanation of the six disadvantages.

1. EMH Ignores Market Anomalies and Inefficiencies

EMH’s assumption of efficient markets leads to the neglect of market anomalies such as momentum, value and size effects which provide opportunities for investors to generate excess returns. This contradicts EMH’s core premise.

2. Ignores behavioural Biases

EMH fails to take into account the influence of psychological biases and irrational decision-making on asset prices. Behavioural finance research has demonstrated how investors may be subject to cognitive biases such as overconfidence, loss aversion and herd behaviour which can cause mispriced assets and market inefficiency.

3. Unable to Explain Financial Crises and Bubbles

The Efficient Market Hypothesis fails to account for financial crises and bubbles due to its assumption that markets always reflect the true values of assets. But history shows that markets become irrationally exuberant at times leading to asset price bubbles followed by crashes like those experienced during the dot-com bubble and the 2008 financial crisis.

4. Underestimates the Value of Active Management

EMH implies that active managers cannot consistently outshone the market, which may undervalue skilled investment managers like Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch who have demonstrated they can consistently generate excess returns over long periods. Many active managers fall short in this respect, but there have been notable exceptions such as these two who have shown they can outpace it over time.

5. Discourages Fundamental Analysis

EMH’s semi-strong form states that all publicly available information has already been factored into asset prices, thus diminishing the relevance of fundamental analysis in generating excess returns. But many investors argue that thorough fundamental analysis can identify mispriced assets and lead to above-market returns.

6. Imperfect Information Dissemination

EMH assumes that information will be readily and instantly disseminated among market participants. But this assumption will be challenged in practice by uneven information dissemination which gives some investors access to knowledge earlier than others and gives them an edge temporarily.

The Efficient Market Hypothesis has had an enormous influence on investment practices and remains influential in finance. But it does have various drawbacks and limitations. Understanding these drawbacks will help investors stay more aware of their investment choices.

What are the criticisms of the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)?

Many famous investors and experts have questioned the validity of EMH. Below are a list of six such criticisms. 

Here is a selection of criticisms of the Efficient Market Hypothesis from well-known people:

1. Warren Buffett

Berkshire Hathaway’s iconic investor and CEO has often challenged the validity of EMH. Buffett believes that by applying sound fundamental analysis and taking a long-term investment approach, it is possible to identify undervalued stocks that consistently outperform the market.

2. George Soros

Soros, one of the founders of Quantum Fund and an influential investor criticizes EMH because it fails to take account of reflexivity in financial markets. Soros believes that investors’ perceptions and actions affect market outcomes, leading to price distortions that experienced investors can exploit for greater returns.

3. Robert Shiller

Nobel Prize-winning economist Robert Shiller is well known for his studies of market inefficiencies and irrational exuberance. His theory holds that behavioural biases and investor sentiment can result in mispriced assets, providing opportunities to capitalize on market inefficiencies.

4. Joseph Stiglitz

Joseph Stiglitz, another Nobel Prize-winning economist, has attacked EMH for its assumption of perfect information dissemination. Stiglitz asserts that information asymmetry exists within financial markets and can cause mispricing as well as market inefficiency.

5. Richard Thaler

Thaler is one of the pioneers of behavioral economics. Thaler asserts that cognitive biases and irrational decision-making contribute to market inefficiencies that defy the Efficient Market Hypothesis. Thaler has conducted extensive studies illustrating various behavioral biases such as loss aversion and overconfidence that influence investment decisions and market outcomes.

6. Paul Samuelson

Acclaimed economist Paul Samuelson famously challenged the assumption that investors cannot consistently outwit the market, suggesting some may possess skills or insights which allow them to achieve above-average returns.

These noted individuals, among others, have challenged the assumptions and validity of the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). This criticism spread more light on understanding and applying EMH better.

What are the criticisms of Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)?

There are four main criticisms of EMH. Below are more details about it.

1. EMH Anomalies and Rejection of Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)

Certain market phenomena appear to challenge the Efficient Market Hypothesis. Examples include momentum stocks whose past performance continues outperforming, value stocks with low price-to-earnings ratios often outperform, and small-cap stocks often outperform large-cap stocks. This suggests markets is not as efficient as EMH predicts and provides opportunities for investors to use these inefficiencies to generate excess returns.

The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is a widely employed model in finance that describes the relationship between expected returns and risk, as well as various assumptions such as market efficiency. The existence of market anomalies and inconsistent empirical support has caused many researchers to cast doubt upon its validity, thus undermining EMH assumptions. Critics include Eugene Fama and Kenneth French who created Fama-French three-factor model as an alternative solution to help explain stock returns more fully.

2. Behavioral Psychology 

Behavioural psychology or behavioural finance is the study of psychological biases on investment decisions and market outcomes. This challenges EMH by suggesting cognitive biases like overconfidence, loss aversion, herd behaviour and overconfidence cause mispriced assets and market inefficiency. Proponents of behavioural finance from this standpoint include Richard Thaler, Robert Shiller and Daniel Kahneman as critics of EMH from this standpoint.

3. Late 2000s Financial Crisis

The late 2000s financial crisis, precipitated by the collapse of U.S. housing prices and the subsequent global economic downturn, raised questions about the Efficient Market Hypothesis. Critics argue that had markets truly been efficient, they would have recognized and adjusted for inherent risks within the financial system, thus averting crisis altogether. Many notable economists and investors such as Joseph Stiglitz and George Soros cited this episode as evidence against EMH.

4. View of some Journalists, Economists and Investors

Journalists, economists, and investors have often taken issue with the Efficient Market Hypothesis due to its various shortfalls. Common criticisms revolve around its assumption of perfect information dissemination, disregard for market anomalies, and disregard of behavioural biases.

Well-known critics include Warren Buffett who consistently outperforms the market through fundamental analysis and long-term investing; Paul Samuelson also questions this idea of investors being unable to consistently beat it; both these individuals represent their point of view on EMH in different ways.

The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) is often subject to criticism due to market anomalies and the rejection of CAPM as well as behavioural psychology influence, the late 2000s financial crisis impact and views from various journalists, economists, and investors. Such criticisms question EMH assumptions and implications suggesting markets may not always be as efficient as proposed in its claims.

How do investors use Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) in investing in Index Funds?

Investors employ the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) as the basis for investing in index funds since its central tenet asserts that all relevant information on any security is already reflected in its price. EMH states that individual investors cannot outshine the market by picking individual stocks; any new information quickly incorporates itself into market prices.

Index funds provide an effective investment solution. Index funds are passively managed portfolios designed to replicate the performance of a specific market index. Investors gain exposure to all areas of the market rather than trying to identify individual stocks for undervaluation or overvaluation this way. This strategy aligns with EMH theory which holds that markets on average provide more accurate prices than individual investors or managers can.

There is ample evidence supporting EMH and index fund investing. Studies have demonstrated that, over the long term, passive index funds tend to outperform actively managed counterpart’s net of fees – this can be attributed to active managers incurring higher trading, research, and management fees that erode returns further. Even skilled active managers find it hard to consistently beat the market, further supporting market efficiency’s idea that sustained outperformance may be difficult to attain.

Can Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) be also applied in securities class action litigation?

Yes, the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) is often used in securities class action litigation to establish market efficiency and to calculate damages. Plaintiffs often allege that misrepresentations or omission of material information caused distortion in market prices for securities traded on an exchange, leading to economic harm for investors who relied upon market integrity.

EMH in securities class action litigation is often referred to as the “fraud-on-the-market” theory. This is upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in Basic Inc. v. Levinson (1988). This theory postulates that when markets are efficient, investors can be presumed to rely upon their integrity when making investment decisions, thus helping establish class-wide reliance and thus class certification in securities fraud lawsuits. Courts often utilize various factors to assess the efficiency of the market for the security in question, such as its reaction to new information, trading volume and liquidity of its securities, presence of market makers/arbitrageurs/market maker arbitrageurs as well as coverage by analysts/press.

Courts may use fraud-on-the-market theory as grounds for class-wide reliance if a market is found efficient enough, permitting litigation to continue as class actions. EMH also plays an instrumental role in helping investors calculate damages suffered in securities class actions. Event study methodology, which draws heavily upon EMH principles, is often utilized by financial experts to estimate what proportion of price fluctuations is attributable to any suspected fraud or misrepresentations. 

Arjun Remesh
Head of Content
Arjun is a seasoned stock market content expert with over 7 years of experience in stock market, technical & fundamental analysis. Since 2020, he has been a key contributor to Strike platform. Arjun is an active stock market investor with his in-depth stock market analysis knowledge. Arjun is also an certified stock market researcher from Indiacharts, mentored by Rohit Srivastava.
Shivam Gaba
Reviewer of Content
Shivam is a stock market content expert with CFTe certification. He is been trading from last 8 years in indian stock market. He has a vast knowledge in technical analysis, financial market education, product management, risk assessment, derivatives trading & market Research. He won Zerodha 60-Day Challenge thrice in a row. He is being mentored by Rohit Srivastava, Indiacharts.

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